Charity Fashion Show – New Way of Fund Raising

A charity fashion show is an event where every local businessman, as well as fashion designers,…

Role of technology in reproduction

Birth, life, and then death are the circle of life. When a child is born he…

Is Digitalization Making Us Dumber Or Smarter?

Technology plays a very important role in our life. We use it everywhere every time. we…

Modern Families VS Ancient Families

A person belongs to the family they are born in. They get their last name from it…

Personality disorder

Personality is a term that, refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and…

Stress During College Placements

The campus placement process, also known as the campus recruitment process. Recruitment takes place when companies…

Intention of Building Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building situated in Dubai. Also has a rich array of…

Life of Barack Obama: One Who Created istory

Barack Hussein Obama ll, popularly known as Barack Obama was born on  August 4 in the…

Fashion and beauty standards in Arabian countries

The culture of Arabian countries comes from Arab and Islamic cultures. The society is deeply religious,…

Is Google everything?

We don’t know something, we simply google When lost, we simply google When we are hungry,…