G-20 summit objectives 

G-20 summit

Bali, Indonesia, will host the G-20 summit, which will bring together leaders from 20 countries — representing over 85% of the global GDP and almost two-thirds of the world population — to debate critical global issues under the theme “Recover Together, Recover Stronger.”

During his visit, the Prime Minister will meet with world leaders in private and brief them on India’s changing G-20 goals. This G-20 summit is also significant because India is set to hold the presidency for a year beginning December 1, 2022, and the turnover will take place during the Bali summit.

G-20 summit
G-20 summit

“During the Summit’s closing session, President Widodo will symbolically pass over the G-20 Presidency to Prime Minister Shri Modi, Narendra. “India will formally assume the G-20 Presidency on December 1, 2022,” said the Prime Minister’s Office in an official press release.

“India’s G-20 chairmanship comes at a time when the globe is in crisis and chaos. The world is dealing with the aftermath of a once-in-a-century pandemic, conflicts, and a great deal of economic uncertainty. The lotus motif in the G-20 logo represents hope in these difficult times “PM Modi stated this last week at the unveiling of India’s G-20 logo. The G-20 is a club of twenty of the world’s top economies that meets on a regular basis to coordinate global policy on trade, health, the environment, and other concerns. It was founded in 1999. Previous summits have tackled the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2008 financial crisis, and other issues.

G-20 summit
G-20 summit

crisis, Iran’s nuclear programme, and Syria’s civil war The Group of Twenty (G20) was founded in 1999 as a meeting of the Finance Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank to extend the debate of policies favourable to addressing the global economic and financial crisis.

When meet will commence?

On November 15 and 16, the G-20 (Group of Twenty) will gather on the Indonesian island of Bali. The 2022 edition aims to strengthen global governance and take action in three areas: global health architecture, sustainable energy transition, and digital transformation. The theme of the G20 Summit in Bali in 2022

The G20 Summit that year would be centred on the slogan “Recover Together, Recover Stronger.” As a result of global In the aftermath of the 2020 pandemic, Indonesia has stated that its presidency will be led by the theme of “recover together,” since the world faces challenges in many areas, from health to education to international trade.G20 reflects the power dynamics among countries.

G-20 summit
G-20 summit

Agenda for the G20 Summit in Bali in 2022

The architecture of global health

The G20 conference in Indonesia prioritised strengthening global health resilience and developing a more accessible, egalitarian, and crisis-ready global health system. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into question the global health emergency planning, response, and resilience architecture, underlining the need for change.

Transformation to digital

Governments and other interested parties from around the world will gather at the summit to explore how to best capitalise on the digital revolution and guarantee that everyone benefits. it. Driving MSMEs into the digital ecosystem, digital entrepreneurship, and revitalising women’s roles in the workplace through digital skills will all be discussed at the conference.

G-20 summit
G-20 summit

The energy transition that is sustainable

The promotion of an early transition to cleaner, greener energy sources is third on the agenda of the G20 summit in Bali in 2022, in order to ensure a brighter future for global civilisation. Climate change affects both local and global development, and this transition will attempt to address these issues. Significant resources are required for this energy transition to be successful. The conference in Bali will focus on energy affordability, as well as smart and clean energy technology.

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